Your Pathway to Social & Business Success!

The SharePage is not just a platform,it's a transformative movement.

Extra Ordinary Features


"THE SHAREPAGE" is designed to provide users with a platform for managing different aspects of their social life while maintaining privacy boundaries between different profiles. This concept aims to mimic real-life social interactions where individuals share different aspects of their lives with various groups, such as family, friends, and business associates.


Multiple Profiles:

Users can create distinct profiles for different aspects of their lives, such as family, friends, and business. This allows them to compartmentalize their communication and share relevant information with specific groups.

Customized Connections:

Users can connect with others based on the profiles that fit their relationships. For example, a user may connect with family members through the family profile and with colleagues through the business profile.

Privacy Settings:

The platform includes robust privacy settings that enable users to control who can access their content within each profile as well. This ensures that information shared within one profile remains private to the members of that profile.

Content Segregation:

Information and interactions within one profile are kept separate from those in another profile. This ensures that updates, messages, and media shared in the family profile, for instance, are only visible to members of that specific profile.

Real-Life Analogies:

By mimicking real-life social dynamics, the platform makes it easier for users to navigate and understand privacy settings. For example, users may intuitively grasp that what happens in their business profile should stay within that professional context.

Improved Communication Flow:

Users can maintain distinct communication channels for different aspects of their lives, reducing the likelihood of information being shared with the wrong audience.


The platform provides users with flexibility, allowing them to adapt their online interactions to match the nuanced nature of their real-world relationships.


The SharePage is offering some awesome benefits for our users:



PRIVACY OF COMMUNICATION:  The SharePage is a secure platform that allows you to communicate and share information with specific individual or groups in a private and confidential way. Unlike other social media platforms, where your information and conversations can be visible to a wide audience, The SharePage is designed to keep your communications within a select group of people ie by creating multiple profiles and connecting others to the different profiles that best describe your relationships with them!

This can be particularly useful for individuals who want to maintain privacy and have control over their personal information, or who want to share information with a specific group of people without making it public. For example, The SharePage can be used by professionals to share business information with only their clients, or by employers to communicate confidential information with their employees.

Additionally, The SharePage allows you to set boundaries in your relationships by controlling who has access to your information and communication. You can choose who to invite to your The SharePage Profile and who to exclude, and you can control the level of access that each person has to your information by putting your contacts in the perspective profiles. 


PRIVACY OF PERSONAL DATA:  The SharePage is designed to prioritize the privacy and security of its users’ data. The platform is committed to protecting personal information and ensuring that it is not shared with third parties. When you use The SharePage, your data is encrypted and stored securely to prevent unauthorized access. The platform also implements a variety of security measures to protect against data breaches and cyber attacks. 

It is important to note that no platform or service can guarantee 100% protection against all possible threats. While The SharePage assures the privacy of users’ data, it’s ultimately up to the user to take responsibility for their own privacy and security. It’s important for users to be vigilant about protecting their own personal information and to take steps to ensure their own privacy and security, such as using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and being cautious about sharing sensitive information online.  It’s also a good idea to regularly review and update privacy settings on the platform to ensure that personal information is being protected to the fullest extent possible. 


PRIVACY OF BROWSING: The SharePage does not rely on commercial ads to support its business and that users can browse through the platform without getting sponsored ads. This can create a more streamlined and focused user experience, without distractions from advertisements.

The businesses are able to promote their products and services through various modules on The SharePage, without the need for sponsored ads. This can create a more targeted and relevant promotion strategy for businesses, as they can reach their intended audience directly through the platform.

However, it’s important to note that businesses promoting their products or services on The SharePage may still be collecting user data or engaging in targeted marketing strategies. Users should always read the terms of service and privacy policy carefully to understand how their data is being used and shared. 






Creating different profiles on The SharePage for different types of contacts can help users maintain privacy and control over what they share with whom. For example, users can have a personal profile for friends and family, a business profile for professional contacts, and a personal profile for general social networking. This allows users to separate their personal and professional lives and control who sees what information.

However, it’s important to remember that profiles are not foolproof and can be subject to errors or breaches. Users should still be cautious about what information they share on each profile and ensure that their privacy settings are configured properly. Additionally, users should regularly review their profiles and contacts to ensure that they are up-to-date and that they are only sharing information with those whom they trust. 

You can have multiple profiles to fit your needs such as:

  • Personal Profile
  • Business Profile
  • Professional Profile
  • Freelancer Profile
  • Family Profile
  • Employment Profile

The Personal Profile is your default profile that you get when you register to the site. 

You can create two business profiles if you have two separate businesses to promote.

You can also create two freelancer profiles if you do different freelancing work. 

The SharePage offers similar degree of privacy and contro to replicate real-life connections over what information is shared within each other. This can help users feel more comfortable sharing information with ease, without worrying about it being visible to others outside of that connection level.

The ability to separate contacts by different profiles can be a useful feature for managing one’s personal and professional life on the SharePage platform, but it’s still important for users to exercise caution and take steps to protect their privacy and personal information.

Maintaining a healthy relationship with others involves clear communication, respect for boundaries, and being mindful of others’ feelings and privacy. The SharePage platform can provide a convenient way to stay in touch with friends, family, and professional contacts, but it’s important for users to prioritize meaningful, authentic communication in order to build and maintain healthy relationships.



At The SharePage you have unlimited earning opportunities. We offer the following options for revenue generation:


PASSIVE EARNINGS - You earn through the subscription plan:

We offer 3 level commissions on all our subscription plans. and also it is for the lifetime of the subscription, which means, you refer once and upon successful referrals, you receive a referral fee not for the first time but you will continue to receive commission for the lifetime of the subscriber and it is a 3 tier commission earning on the subscription. 

A lifetime commission means that the referrer will continue to receive a percentage of the subscription fees paid by their referrals for as long as they remain subscribed to The SharePage. This creates a strong incentive for users to refer high-quality leads who are likely to remain subscribed to the platform for an extended period of time.

By offering a commission on subscription plans, users can not only benefit from the features The SharePage offers, but they can also potentially earn some extra income by referring others. 

The SharePage offers 3 Tier-level commissions as shown below:

  1. Tier 1 Commissions: 15% (Direct)
  2. Tier 2 Commissions: 5% (Indirect)
  3. Tier 3 Commissions: 5% (Indirect)


COMMISSION EARNINGS You earn through the sales commission:

We offer 10% back to you from every sales commission that we receive! When you refer anyone to The SharePage, and when they sale an item, The SharePage takes 7% commission from sales and gives back 10% to users for referring to the website!  

The sales commission is offered at 1st and 2nd Tier level.

SALES EARNINGS -  You earn from direct sales:

The SharePage offers 2 Tier-level commissions as shown below from sales:

  1. Tier 1 Commissions: 10% (Direct)
  2. Tier 2 Commissions: 5% (Indirect)

You can earn from most of the modules by selling your products or services. The modules where you can earn from are:

  1. Store
  2. Rent a Place
  3. Arts and Craft
  4. Video
  5. Events



The SharePage offers an Independent Business Opportunity to all users who would like to earn by offering "Set-up Support" to businesses. This is an independently running support system where anyone can offer the support to the businesses in their circle/location and make an earning. 

The SharePage is offering 70% of the support fee to the users who are providing support to the business. 


The support package includes:

  • Assistance in setting up business account
  • Creating business profiles along with other profiles 
  • Setting up online store 
  • Setting up POS 
  • Uploading products for online and POS
  • Creating Business portfolio 
  • Setting up Webspace


To find businesses in need of support, users can market their services on The SharePage’s platform or through their own network. They can also reach out to businesses directly and offer their services.

Once a user has completed a job, The SharePage pays the user 70% of the support fee for their services. 

It’s important to note that users will need to comply with SharePage’s policies and guidelines to ensure a positive experience for both the user and the business.



We offer you a platform to advertise your business services, jobs or projects at The SharePage. Business owners can promote their services using any of the following modules using various profiles with no cost at all!

  1. Real Estate
  2. Job Board
  3. Freelancing
  4. Classified Services



The SharePage offers a free webspace for business profiles to showcase their services and connect with their clients. This can be a useful tool for businesses looking to expand their online presence and reach more customers.

Having a website on The SharePage’s webspace can provide businesses with a professional, customized platform to showcase their products or services, as well as communicate with their clients and potential customers. By integrating various modules and custom pages, businesses can create a comprehensive online presence that reflects their unique brand and offerings.

It’s also great that this service is free for business profiles, as it can be a cost-effective way for small businesses and startups to establish an online presence and compete with larger companies. Overall, the webspace feature can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to enhance their online marketing and reach a wider audience.



The SharePage offers a diverse range of selling options for both personal and business use. By providing separate sections for personal sales, retail sales, and wholesale sales, the platform can cater to a variety of users and their specific needs.

For individuals looking to sell personal items, the Personal Sale section can provide a convenient way to reach potential buyers and sell items in a secure and trusted environment. Meanwhile, businesses can benefit from the retail and wholesale stores by showcasing their products to a wider audience and tapping into new markets.

Having all these options available under one account can be a major convenience for users, as they don’t need to navigate multiple platforms or websites to find what they’re looking for. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell personal or business items, The SharePage can be a one-stop-shop for all your needs.

Overall, this feature can make buying and selling items more convenient and accessible for a wide range of users, and can help promote a more diverse and inclusive online marketplace.


The Sharepage’s comprehensive dashboard provides a way to quickly and easily view important metrics and data related to various aspects of your business. This can save time and resources by eliminating the need to manually gather and analyze data from multiple sources.

By providing at-a-glance visibility into key performance indicators, The Sharepage’s dashboard can also improve decision-making. Managers and executives can quickly identify areas that need attention and take action accordingly.

In addition, the dashboard can provide easy performance checks and balances, allowing teams to track progress and make adjustments as needed. Because the dashboard is updated in real-time, it provides an up-to-date evaluation of progress and helps ensure that goals are being met.

However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of the dashboard reporting depends on the meaningfulness of the metrics used. It’s important to carefully select and track metrics that align with your business goals and provide actionable insights.





The SharePage offers a range of advanced features for groups on its platform. These features can enhance collaboration, communication, and organization for group members, making it a valuable tool for a variety of organizations and communities.

  • The file sharing feature can provide an efficient way for group members to share documents, images, and other files, without needing to use external platforms or email. This can streamline communication and help group members stay organized and up-to-date.
  • The discussion forums can provide a space for group members to discuss ideas, share feedback, and engage in meaningful conversations. This can help foster a sense of community and facilitate collaboration and teamwork.
  • The group store feature can be a valuable tool for organizations and communities that need to sell items or merchandise within a closed network. By having a dedicated store section within the group, members can easily purchase items and support the organization or community.
  • The Group Event feature on The SharePage allows users to create private events that are only visible to selected members. This is great for events that are meant for a specific group of people, such as company retreats, networking events, or exclusive parties. By setting up closed events, you can ensure that only invited members can see the event details and RSVP to attend.
  • The other features of the Group are: Photos, Videos, Announcements, Email Campaigns - send messages to all the members on the group



The Sharepage is a platform that is dedicated to making a positive difference in people’s lives by providing them with tools and resources to showcase their talents and connect with others in their field. The portfolio feature offered by The Sharepage is one way that users can showcase their unique skills and accomplishments and stand out in any competitive market. By making it easy to link portfolios to profiles, The Sharepage helps users to reach potential employers or business clients and demonstrate their value. Overall, The Sharepage is a platform that encourages and supports personal and professional growth, and its portfolio feature is just one example of how it can benefit its users. This can be a valuable resource for individuals looking to promote themselves and their work and connect with others in their field.




The Sharepage offers various features to help users stay organized and keep track of important information, such as sticky notes and a vault for saving important notes.

Sticky notes are a convenient way to jot down quick reminders or notes that you need to remember. The Sharepage’s sticky notes feature allows you to create and save digital sticky notes within the platform, so you can easily access them whenever you need to.

The Sharepage’s vault feature provides a secure place to save important information, such as passwords, bank account information, or other sensitive data. The vault is password-protected and encrypted, so you can feel confident that your information is secure.

Overall, these features can be helpful for anyone looking to stay organized and keep important information easily accessible and secure. The Sharepage’s commitment to providing useful tools for personal and professional growth is a key part of its mission to make a positive difference in people’s lives.